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Serenissima Ristorazione joins the Green Food Week

Serenissima Ristorazione joins the Green Food Week, the initiative promoted by FoodInsider which aims to promote the culture of low environmental impact nutrition in the context of collective catering.

The choices we make every day at the table and in the supermarket, in addition to having repercussions on our personal well-being, influence the balance of ecosystems and can compromise the nutrition of future generations. Just think that one third of greenhouse gas emissions, the main causes of global warming, derive from the food sector. Preferring products with a reduced environmental impact means polluting less and not contributing to global warming. This is why it is important to promote a diet based on predominantly plant-based dishes, made with organic and local ingredients.

This is what Very serene restaurant intends to do through his joining the Green Food Week. From 5 February the leader in collective catering brings to school, university and company canteens dishes that are always perfectly balanced from a nutritional point of view but also respectful of the environment. Whole grains and vegetables are the protagonists of the special menu chosen for this day, an example of how a sustainable diet can be varied and rich in taste.

However, the culture of low environmental impact nutrition must also be supported at home. As? First of all, avoiding food waste and therefore preserving what is not eaten so that it can be consumed at a later time. Prefer foods of plant origin, as they require the use of fewer resources, and including them as part of a varied diet is another responsible choice. In the end, buy local and zero kilometer products it means significantly reducing the environmental impact, since foods that come from distant countries have to travel a long way to reach our table, with a journey made on very polluting means of transport.

In addition to committing itself to pursuing the sustainability objectives of the 2030 Agenda by reducing the impact of its production processes, Very serene restaurant continues to support initiatives aimed at encouraging respect for the environment and the precious resources of our planet.

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