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Catering for social welfare structures

We offer a wide choice of menus able to respond to all possible needs of guests

Restaurants sectors social assistance

Catering is a fundamental aspect of the service in retirement homes and for Serenissima Ristorazione it is a priority pay attention to personal care, giving importance to the correct nutritional properties without neglecting the palatability and presentation of the prepared dishes and thinking of a targeted preparation in favor of patients on a special diet in compliance with their eating habits and related preferences. 

The catering service within retirement homes has acquired a strong link with the medical-therapeutic practice, as the trend of modern medicine is to have the treatment path of the patient from a correct and targeted nutrition.

1. Quality certifications

Serenissima Ristorazione guarantees the quality certification of the food supplied, coming from raw materials of traced origin e genuine, making each dish with cutting-edge procedures and techniques in terms of contamination, hygiene and safety.

2. Personalized diets

Particular attention is paid to those who need special diets for allergies or intolerances. Serenissima Ristorazione makes use of the support of qualified dietitians who, in addition to verifying the behavior of the staff and the application of the self-monitoring plan, are at the complete disposal of the Foundation and its guests for any type of request.

3. Logistics network

Our logistics network guarantees autonomy, capillarity, reliability and efficiency and, thanks to the state-of-the-art computer system, also maximum flexibility in case of changes in diets. The challenge of making each meal "much more than tailor-made" prompted us to develop important nutritional projects for guests.

Nutrition projects for elderly patients

Project dysphagia

Serenissima Ristorazione is attentive to the needs and requirements typical of structures for the elderly and rehabilitation institutes, focusing in particular on the management of prebysphagia and dysphagiaas the main causes of malnutrition and dehydration. The main purpose of the nutritional path developed by our company concerns recovery and

maintenance of one adequate nutritional statuswhile guaranteeing a hygienically safe, nutritionally balanced and pleasant-tasting meal. The "Dysphagia management" project, developed by the internal team of dietitians and nutritionists, is organized by skills and is divided into various phases.

02 - Alzheimer's Project

It provides for the introduction of strategies concerning the frequency of administration and the methods of preparing the dishes, fundamental aspects in this type of user. Serenissima Ristorazione also proposes the introduction of small self-consumption snacks in "finger food" mode, which contribute to maintaining good nutritional status.

03 - Hydration project

One of the main problems highlighted in the elderly is certainly the difficulty in hydrating. With this project, Serenissima aims to introduce herbal teas and infusions, which stimulate more fluid intake in the elderly.

04 - Malnutrition management project

It includes a nutritional plan and a series of strategies to avoid malnutrition, even in case of inappetence. Serenissima proposes the use of specific natural supplements for the highlighted deficiency (calorie, protein, vitamin or mineral salts deficiency).

05 - Intestinal regularity project

It provides for the introduction of specific food preparations such as, for example, whole grains, prune-based mousse and fresh apple puree (also suitable for diabetics) which due to their high fiber content stimulate intestinal transit, useful in the elderly population often prone to constipation.

06 - Parkinson's Project

It provides for a specific distribution of food and macronutrients during the day, so that the absorption of the drug (levodopa) is always optimal.

Catering services for healthcare personnel and visitors

Inside the retirement homes, Serenissima Ristorazione also takes care of the nutrition of visitors and employees of the facilities, setting up canteen services, bars and vending machines.

Self-service canteen

For healthcare personnel and visitors to facilities.

Automatic catering

For visitors, employees and shift workers who prefer to eat in the office or have dinner ready to take home.


For healthcare personnel, patients and visitors.