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Serenissima Ristorazione launches the automatic catering service in companies together with FAS

Very serene restaurant brings automatic collective catering to company canteens, an innovative system born from the partnership with FAS International, a company specialized in integrated and automatic solutions for "away from home" and leader in the automatic distribution market based in Schio.

The two companies join forces and skills developed over decades of experience to revolutionize the company canteen sector, offering companies a new solution capable of responding to the demand for greater flexibility, customization and efficiency. A challenge that Serenissima Ristorazione and FAS welcomed with enthusiasm and then transformed into reality, managing to combine the quality of the food with the flexibility of the service.

Food24 System is the innovative automatic catering system with which you can manage the booking and distribution of meals. Through a WebApp, the system manages the booking, direct sale and 24-hour distribution of food products in a controlled refrigerated regime. The service is aimed at all companies that need a more varied range of meals in line with new dietary needs and with the request for flexible breaks.

The main advantages of Food24 System consist in the flexibility and possibility of having a personalized meal based on the preferences of individual users, while allowing the reduction of costs related to utilities and without ever giving up fresh and hygienically safe meals. With delivery points, which provide up to 32 complete menus, and the WebApp, which allows you to manage reservations from any device, automatic catering combines the advantages of the traditional canteen and those of automatic distribution, eliminating its critical issues.

As underlined by Vice President Tommaso Putin, the partnership between Serenissima Ristorazione and FAS International represents "our continued commitment to innovation and excellence in the restaurant industry”, while this project “marks a significant step towards the future, it allows us to integrate and consolidate our offer for corporate catering, with a quality service also designed for the many Italian SMEs".

The goal of Very serene restaurant is to revolutionize the lunch break experience in the company, through efficient, sustainable and cutting-edge solutions that meet the ever-growing needs of customers. With this new service, the Group wants to give companies the opportunity to offer their employees a much appreciated benefit such as that of the company canteen, with various menus, great time flexibility and the possibility of booking and consuming meals throughout the entire working day.

In the last year, Serenissima Ristorazione and FAS have already installed 30 Food24 System machines and distributed 35.400 meals.

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