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Collective catering and Hi-Tech revolution: Serenissima Catering at the center of innovation

Collective catering is experiencing a real technological revolution: as confirmed by a recent article on the combination of cuisine and technology published in "Pambianco", a clear example of this change is the Boara Pisani Cooking Center in Very serene restaurant. This centre, the largest in Italy and one of the main in Europe, is confirmation of how technology can be integrated effectively to guarantee high standards in the preparation and distribution of meals.

With over 10 thousand meals a day destined for schools, hospitals and retirement homes, the Boara Pisani Cooking Center has made significant investments in technology and automation. Through a financial commitment of approximately 35 million euros, Serenissima Ristorazione has focused on hi-tech solutions to optimize production processes and manage the storage of raw and semi-finished materials efficiently.

Carlo Garbin, Operations Director, underlined the importance of this choice: “Investments in technology are essential to address the flexibility required by our service and to overcome staff shortages. Today it is easier to find a surgeon than a cook”. The priority for the company is therefore to guarantee the highest quality and food safety. “Despite not having many chefs operating in the terminals – explained Garbin – with a predefined procedure it is possible to guarantee a high level of service. We make food for immunosuppressed patients, children and healthcare personnel, so everything must be pleasant and above all perfectly healthy. The meal follows standards close to the pharmaceutical product".

In this context, Very serene restaurant has invested millions of euros in vacuum cooking in autoclaves, guaranteeing the maximum hygienic-sanitary requirements. Automated logistics is also essential to avoid errors that could compromise the quality of service. But, although technology plays a crucial role, the experience and competence of the human component remain fundamental. At the base of the activities are the cooks, dieticians and nutritionists who determine the composition of the meal: in fact, it is the people who manage and monitor every single process.

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